Something different, from me to you! :)
I've been thinking for a long time wheter should I write this more intimate post or just leave it on a more superficial level and finally realized that I shouldn't actually hesitate at all and I should share with you some of my recent experience that doesn't involve food, cosmetics or travel in general but has to do with my personal journey, some changes I've been going through and the hard work on myself I am dealing with daily.
I think people's experiences can always help others, a nice long talk with somebody or even a book can change your perspective and thinking because you get new insights about certain topics and situations, so it is definitely better to say some things loudly and proudly than keeping them only for yourself.
We are all on our own journey, looking for our path and purpose, but sometimes life gets in the way and turns our plans into dust. This is the moment we kind of lose ourselves. The most difficult thing in the world is accepting something we absolutely refuse to accept, but we know we have to in order to continue with our lives in peace.
But let's get a few steps back in order for you to understand a little better what am I talking about...
Last year I lost the most important person in my life. He died suddenly and the feeling that followed was as if I was about to sit on a chair and somebody just pulled the chair away and I fell on the ground. It's like you can actually feel your heart being ripped out and thorn apart completely. I felt completely lost, confused, angry for such injustice, extreme sorrow, but even complete peace. All these emotions interweaved continuesly and just went around and around, again and again. Now you can understand the statement, "We plan eternity, but we get surprised by an unplanned end." That's the moment you stubbornly refuse your current present that leads to constant pain, which is a choice we make, consciously or not...we suffer if we want to suffer.
The questions that followed then and follows now is: "Do you want to spend the rest of your life in love, peace and happiness or depressed, always asking yourself what's the poin of it all??"
That is actually the key, the decision you need to make in order to try to live accordingly and find your inner peace, accepting you current situation and emotions and then being able to let go.
I used to find myself, from time to time, in an even greater can I be happy with my life/situation if this is not what I want, how can accept someone's death if I want this person here, by my side & horror of can I be truly happy and peaceful?!?
Ho ho is a rocky road my dears, that's why I want to reccemend some books that can help you understand the connection of you with the whole Universe, how powerful and mighty this World is and how natural is our lifecycle...and the most extraordinary thing of all is when you realize that only You have the power to control your emotions and life.
Your happiness and peace don't depend on people, surrounding events, situations, but You are the one that holds the key to your life!

My journey towards accepting life began a few months back when I read the book, believe it or not, by Tomislav Perko, "1000 days of spring". I started grasping the importance of accepting people and situations without judgement. This is not as simple as it might seem and very often I have to remind myself of that fact and see how can I be more open and free about myself and towards others, more honest and genuine.
After reading that book, i continued with a few books of Hrvoje Šalković where I deepened my sense of freedom and happiness and surprise surprise, this was the period I quit my job in a firm where I worked for 2 years because I just sensed it was time for changes. I encouraged myself, made the first step and honestly I didn't regret that decision, not even for a second.
I spent the next 2 months at home working on myself. In the meantime I read another book on a friend's reccomendation by Dan Millman, "Way of the peaceful warrior" . Better to say I divored the book in two days!
The author leads you through his journey towards inner peace and happiness and shows you his battles, how he conqured his fears and depressions as well as the way he fought his ego, the fake You. An awesome book endeed!!
The reason I had plenty of time to read is beacuse I worked in an art gallery this summer so my "book obsession"continued.
"The secret" by Rhonda Byrne puts highlights the power of the law of attraction and the connection with the Universe.
I realized how important is the frequency you send out to the Universe and the power of positive thinking and how you actually get what you need in a certain period of your life by sending those kind of vibrations. My life is my own example of that and I definitely think everyone should try to apply that in their own lives. .
And finally I am getting to the books that shook my belief system to the core and are continuing helping me every single day. I am talking about the books by Eckhart Tolle. Before them, I read "The path to Love", by Deepak Chopra that served me as an introduction to the books by Tolle, "Stillness speaks", "The power of now", "New Earth".

All books highlight the importance of this moment, the present, and that is all that actually exists. There is no past or future, but always the present.
When you manage to connect with your inner you and realize that the mind can be our biggest enemy and our thoughts can lead to lots of negative emotions that are manifested by our Ego and cause pain, when we realize the interconnection of ourselves with the whole Universe, that we are all actually one, we are on the road to inner peace.
There are so many topics that I could cover now but can't get into all of that because there would be no end to this post, so I will just say that if you want to achieve a permanent sense of happiness and connect with your inner You to find peace, read these books."Silence speaks" was enough for me. It is written in "sutras", short thought about different topics and is absolutely fabolous. "The power of now " & "New Earth" will only deepen the topic and make you dig more profoundly into yourself and help you free your mind.
That's it for now, hope some of you will read at least one of the books that I reccomended, because they are all a gain. It was definitely not a lost time, but a quality time that helps me dealing with myself.
Let me know what you think about it, I am looking forward to hearing your thought on the subject and maybe you can give me a reccomendation of your favourite book.
Kisses to all of you & as my current sweetheart would say, be love!